
Care for Carers: new horizons in promoting family care

Our work in the field of foster care has seen significant growth in 2024. Key highlights are progress with promoting emergency foster care, collaboration on a guide for Social Workers at new Resilience Centres, and the start of a partnership with the Dzherelo Centre and UNICEF Ukraine to improve social services in Lviv, Zakarpattia and Volyn Regions.


Helping Children
August 12, 2019

Igor: from an orphanage to independence

Igor tells his story of going from institutional care to a foster family, and how Care in Action has helped him on his journey to education and independence.
Helping Children
July 04, 2019

Camps to strengthen foster families

Foster families were strengthened at our Family Camps with fun, training, and support from like-minded people. 130 foster parents and children joined our camp this year and you can see how much they loved it!
Helping Children
May 15, 2019

Talents in Action festival 2019

This annual festival for children in care is a celebration of talent, culture and the chance to discover something new. We also connect with foster parents and the media to raise the chances of including these children in school.
Helping Children
April 13, 2019

Specialist training to support foster parents across Ukraine

The world leading Secure Base model of care for children was taught by research professor Dr. Mary Beek from the University of East Anglia at our two day workshop.
Helping Children
April 13, 2019

Job orientation and interviews at a footwear factory

Care in Action regularly facilitates job orientation programmes, where we provide teenagers in care with insight and skills necessary for a successful start in the world of work.
Helping Children
March 28, 2019

40 teenagers enjoy a weekend of career coaching

Care in Action’s camp was packed full of life skills and career counselling to prepare young people for an independent life.
Helping Children
September 30, 2018

Partnerships in Malawi

In Malawi we support two community based organisations so children can have the care and education to improve their lives.
Helping Children
July 10, 2018

Talents in Action festival 2018

The festival is a flurry of fun activities designed to help children discover new interests, showcase their talents and build self-esteem, and there are special workshops for caregivers too.
Helping Children
June 28, 2018

Family Camps - Training and fun for foster families

Care in Action was proud to host 128 parents and children in 2 four day camps designed to improve the quality of foster parenting through support and training events.